Preparation Stage
Find a comfortable posture.
Reflect on the reliability of your mentor and teachers; the teachings and methods; and, the support of those committed to the contemplative life.
Reflect on your spiritual aspiration: the humble aspiration to attain some measure of peace and happiness; the medium aspiration to achieve complete freedom from suffering; or, the highest aspiration to attain complete freedom in order to benefit others.
Begin breathing meditation to calm and center the mind. Purge your mind of afflictive emotions and tendencies. Let go of filters such as desire and clinging, anger and defensiveness, and alienation or shame-based isolation. Experiencing the taming of your behavior, opening of your heart and connecting to the vast potential of your mind.
Dissolving and Re-envisioning your Self-World
Reflect on the meaning of selflessness. Imagine that your ordinary self-sense as fixed, permanent and unitary, dissolves into its primal elements of earth, air, water, fire and space and merge into the natural flow with the rest of the universe. This helps to release attachment, ownership and identification of “I”, “me” and “mine” with the body and mind. Out of this dynamic, changing, interdependent, give-and-take flow, imagine that you arise in your “breath-body”, a person shaped bubble made of pure breath and awareness. This is a “virtual” or “meditative body”, similar to the one you have in a dream state because it’s made of subtle mind, rather than material. Your body takes on a light quality like a bubble floating in a sea of primal luminous energy. In your meditative body, you rise up above the stress realm of fear and alienation, feeling open, connected and free.
Now reflect on the meaning of Emptiness. Imagine that your ordinary view of the universe as fixed, permanent and unitary, dissolves into its natural flow of primal energy and luminance. Because the nature of the universe is empty of intrinsic reality, it is free, dynamic, changing and interdependent, allowing you to creatively reconstruct a healing environment of your choosing. Visualize a space in which you feel safe, supported and inspired to conduct your meditative practice and mentor dialog. There are no limits to the scene you can create, make the space as beautiful as your imagination permits.
Invoking your Mentor, the Ideal Healer
From the place of feeling light, clear and safe, call upon your mentor or ideal healer to join you. The mentor can arrive in full form spontaneously or in stages. If in stages, in the space before you, imagine arising out of the vast energy flow of the universe comes a luminous disk or cushion, like a moon reflected in a dark sea. Feel the presence of your mentor, like a friend sitting close with you in the dark. Out of the luminous disk arises the seed symbol, imbued with the affirmation, prayer or positive message, which captures the essence of your ideal such as: “you are safe to grow and change”, or “you are lovable enough or worthy enough”, “anything is possible” or “everything about you and the world is perfect as it is”.
Then imagine the seed symbol emits an aura that transforms into the actual form body of your mentor. Begin with the face and then pan out to include the body, filling in the details to heighten his or her presence. Breath into the image until it is fully constructed, appears to you as real, and feels like your mentor is right there with you. Recognize it takes time and practice to stabilize these images and to enhance their vividness.
Then invite the spirit of somebody real to inhabit the form of your ideal mentor. Think of an actual person that you admire, who represents some of the ideal qualities of your mentor. Identify someone who is “on their way” to growing towards that positive direction, who can act as a bridge to help you relate better to the ideal. Allow the energies and spirit of your real person and those of the ideal mentor to intermingle and become one.
7- Fold Mentor-Bonding Process
Now begin the inner therapy and dialog. Facing your mentor and feeling he or she are present for you…
Admire the positive qualities of your ideal mentor that you seek to cultivate in your own life, such as love, peace, wisdom, calm, equanimity and courage etc. Think, “how nice it would be if I had those qualities”.
2. Offering
In the spirit of generosity and admiration, imagine making offerings to your mentor by giving him/her flowers, precious items, your self and/or the world. Think, “what I would give to be like that”. Imagine your mentor accepts these gifts with gratitude. Feel close to your mentor and entitled to ask for support.
3. Confessing
Feeling close with the mentor, allow yourself to disclose any real or imagined limits, blocks, or insecurities. Unburden yourself of guilt/shame, unworthiness, and fear. Think, “Mentor, I don’t feel that I’m worthy of happiness or that it’s possible for me to change”. Sharing these secrets helps bring you closer to the mentor and exposes perceived limitations so that they can be removed. Experience a deep sense of acceptance by the mentor. Imagine that the mentor has a vision of you beyond any limitations, at the end of your spiritual journey, fully realized and at your best! Have a feeling that the two of you are more like equals.
4. Rejoicing
After you’ve tasted vicariously the mentors acceptance and vision of you in your optimal state, allow yourself to celebrate! This marks a turning point in the dialog, when you have your first glimpse of actually achieving your highest potential for health and happiness. It is a wonderful vision, and the basis for motivating and guiding the rest of your life. Think, “how wonderful it is to know that it is possible for me to be like my mentor”. Commemorate and acknowledge the power of teamwork between you and your mentor. Recognize that in essense the mentor and you are made of the same stuff, that he or she is just a little ahead of the game than you. Imagine the heavens open with wonderful lights, sounds, rainbows etc. reflecting the celebratory nature of the moment.
5. Requesting Guidance
Now acknowledge that this is just the beginning, just a taste of possibility, and that your development along the path will take time, energy and guidance. Ask your mentor for the help you need to fully realize your optimal self, which helps to overcome shame for asking for help. Delighted to be asked, imagine the mentor sends from his or her heart all the blessings and intuitive realizations you need to actualize your potential. Envision rainbow waves of positive energy coming to your heart and filling you with optimism, energy and hope. Allow this energy to resonate in your heart, melting fears and insecurities, and then send this positive healing energy out into the ends of the universe and have it come back in rainbow waves of confirmation.
***** if we are meditating as a group, we pause at this juncture to receive and share actually teachings and guidance. Try to retain your vision of yourself in your meditative body and envision the actual teacher as your ideal mentor. The instructions during class represent the actual guidance you have requested along the path*****
6. Requesting Presence
Revive your vision of being in dialog with the mentor. Reflect on the teachings and guidance you have been given, so that they become metabolized. Now recognizing that the mentor is already enlightened, has completed the path, and could easily abide in their own happiness, ask for their continued presence in your life, that they stay with you. Request that the mentor never abandons you and is always available to you for support and guidance. Thrilled to be asked, and respecting your request, imagine the mentor begins to dissolve into pure light. From their crown to the tips of their toes, they dissolve inwards towards their heart, until all that remains in a luminous drop, like a tear for joy, that coalesces their entire being. Now imagine that that tear drop, floats above your head, passes into your crown, past your throat and slips into your heart. It dissolves there and mixes with your own inner chemistry, like a drop of water merging with the ocean. Imaging that the essence of your mentor dissolve inseparably with the essence of your own inner guide and healing intuition. Allow that merger to resonate with optimism and healing potential that inspires and uplifts you. The healing energy exudes out in a ripple effect from your heart out to the ends of the universe. It then ripples back like a tsunami of love, touching all the hearts and minds of beings in the universe, kindling their own sense of hope, and finally comes back to your heart where it dissolves again.
7. Dedicating
Now that you have tasted the power of hope and optimism provided to you by the mentor, and have recognized your own innate potential for health and happiness, commit yourself to achieving that potential and sharing it with all other beings. Commit your life and energy to actualizing your inner mentor and providing guidance to all those living beings in need.
Therapeutic Antidotes of the 7-Limbs:
Each limb provides and antidote that works to correct a negative quality in the mind.
Admiration => Pride
Offerings => Attachment
Confession => Shame
Rejoicing => Envy
Requesting Guidance => Hopelessness
Requesting Presence => Fear
Dedication => Self-centeredness
The Actual 7-limb Prayer:
Respectfully I prostrate with my body, speech and mind
I present clouds of offerings, actual and imagined
I confess all negativity accumulated since beginningless time
I rejoice in the merits of ordinary and enlightened beings
Please mentor, remain as my guide
And provide the teachings of reality until suffering ends
May I dedicate myself to awakening for the benefit of all living beings
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